Leech Therapy for Varicose Veins also known as Raktamokshana

Leech Therapy for Varicose Veins also known as Raktamokshana

Raktamokshana also called bloodletting is an important part of Ayurvedapanchkarma. It is used primarily to reduce the increased pitta dosha in the body and thus it relieves the negative effects of toxins accumulated in the body.

Here we are going to elaborate on the use of leech therapy in varicose veins.

Varicose veins are twisted, enlarged veins. Any superficial vein may become varicose, but the veins most commonly affected are those in your legs. That's because standing and walking upright increases the pressure in the veins of your lower body.

For many people, varicose veins and spider veins — a common, mild variation of varicose veins — are simply a cosmetic concern. For other people, varicose veins can cause aching pain and discomfort. Sometimes varicose veins lead to more-serious problems. In Ayurveda leech therapy is time tested therapy for varicose veins. After undergoing the leech therapy, the veins in the legs become normal and they are able to perform the function of transporting deoxygenated blood comfortably.

Many people still consider leech therapy as an alternate treatment where vascularity is improved  as the saliva of leeches contain a variety of bioactive peptides and proteins involving antithrombin (hirudin, bufrudin), antiplatelet (calin, saratin), factor Xa inhibitors (lefaxin), antibacterial (theromacin, theromyzin) and others.

These are also used widely in cosmetic and plastic surgeries as they are protective tool against venous congestion. Though many still feel it’s a complicated process Ayurveda has mentioned its proper management and use.

If used with precision these are very helpful in the management of vascular  disorders  and many chronic and life-threatening abnormalities, such as cardiovascular problems, cancer, metastasis, and infectious diseases.

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