क्या करें जब बच्चे कि नाक में कुछ फँस जाए? What to do when a child sticks up something in the nose?

क्या करें जब बच्चे कि नाक में कुछ फँस जाए? What to do when a child sticks up something in the nose?

Objects can block the nose and ear and some cases cause infection. In this Article, we guide you as how to help your baby and what to do if they have a foreign object stuck in their ear or nose.

If there is something stuck in your child’s nostril, it’s important to act quickly — either try to remove it or take your child to the doctor right away. If you delay, an infection can develop. In rare cases — especially if it’s left in the nose overnight — the object can get sucked into the airway and possibly cause choking

There are two important things to remember if this happens to your child:

1. Try once, then get help – Make only one attempt to remove the object on your own (unless you believe the situation is life threatening). The more times you try, the less cooperative your child will be when the doctor tries to remove it. This increases the likelihood of needing an operation to remove the object.

2. ‘Mother’s kiss’ method – If you do try to handle the situation at home, I recommend using the “mother’s kiss” method, which works best for small, hard objects like beads. Follow these steps for the kiss method:

Place your mouth over your child’s mouth.

Hold the nostril that isn’t blocked closed with a finger.

Blow gently into your child’s mouth.

And always seek medical help before the situation turns grave.